lyrics to live by...

Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side.Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.Leave to thy God to order and provide;In every change, He faithful will remain.Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly FriendThrough thorny ways leads to a joyful end.

Happy Fall Y'all!

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our Little Jelly Bean

These are the first images of our new jelly bean! We saw the heart beating today and he or she was waving frantically at us with it's little arm bud! We are so excited and we can't wait to meet this little miracle! In case you didnot hear through the grape vine we are expecting baby number three in the Reser home! We had a great Christmas and I will be posting some pictures soon, but I am too nauseated to type anymore, I need an orange. Love you All!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

We are so thankful!

We are so thankful every day that we get to spend in the beautiful weather and enjoying each other! We get to do such fun random stuff everyday without worrying about violence and war outside our doors. It just makes me think about half the world that doesn't have that luxury. They are not carefree and living peacefully like we are. I am so thankful to live in America and thankful to our military for continuing to keep us safe! I tried to communicate an ounce of that to my kids on Veterans day but thankfully they cannot possibly understand life outside of these United States. Here are some random pictures of the month so far. With the holidays coming up I thought I had better post them or they will get left out with all the holiday hoop-la! (Yes, that is a word.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I love your funny face!

The kids had so much fun at Hallapalooza this year at church they were the cutest clowns ever and everyone loved their costumes. Tom's Mom didn't even recognize them when they came to her door. She was trying to keep Caleb from coming in the house and called Grandaddy over to see the "cute kids at the door"! Big daddy and Gigi loved having us visit too! They had so much fun together!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October has been fun so far!

We are having so much fun this month! Every weekend has been busy, but it has been great! We went camping for my birthday weekend. It was our family reunion and it was great to see everybody! The food was awesome as always and it was so much fun to hear everybody's music talents. Check out the video of Clary, my Dad and our cousins, Scotty and Joey playing it up! We also did tents this year and Caleb and I were nice and warm... Tom and Sophia not so much, but it was fun.

Last night we carved our pumpkins and made Candy apples. Tom made his famous chili and everybody enjoyed the cool weather. Yes, my son is in his underwear, this is normal he rarley will wear clothes for very long. It has something to do with Superheroes and something to do with being a three year old boy.. I am ignoring it and hoping it's a phase :) It has been a really great month so far and the holidays are right around the corner....I can't wait!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Five Years .....

Oh my gosh! I can't believe how fast time goes by! Tom and I have been married for five years today! I still feel like my wedding was the most fun day of my whole life! We were on cloud nine that day and feeling so blessed to have everyone sharing it with us! I don't even have words to express how awesome it is to have family! It's a lot of work and sacrifice but it is worth it all to have a husband and 2 great kids that are my sunshine! I can't wait to see all that God has in store for us in the years ahead! Thanks for being a part of our life!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Michael Phelps watch out!

Well, I think I am raising future olympians. Caleb insists that we say "Go Michael" and call him Michael Phelps in the pool now. He is swimming like a fish! Sophia is going to opt for the sychronized swim or create a new category of expressive pool moves. She can swim great, but she is more of a" lazy river girl" (like her Mom). Here are some of the earliest home videos of the future gold medalists!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Busch Gardens and Sea World

We had an AMAZING trip to Florida this week! The kids had a great time and so did we! We went to see Busch Gardens, Sea World and took a driving tour of Bo's school (Stetson Law) Campus. Here are some pictures. Thank you so much Gigi and Big Daddy for our trip!! The Busch Gardens crew Sophia couldn't believe how big the manatees were.
Caleb got to touch the stingrays.

All of the landscape was beautiful.
These were some of my favorite flowers.

Sophia feeding the dolphins. She said they felt like rubber :)

Caleb got his face painted and Sophia got a hair braid in Busch Gardens.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Family Quilt

A few weeks ago Sophia asked me to make her a quilt that had all of her family on it. I thought , yay! A new project! So began my very first attempt at quilting. I had no idea where to start but she wanted it pink and brown so I went looking for fabric. Well, a month later and it is done. I have learned a lot and so I think my next quilt will be better but it actually is very cute and I had so much fun making it. The colors look a lot better in person. So, as I am realizing that I am going to be finishing the quilt soon, I think to myself...of course I must make one for Caleb. So I ask him what color he would like his family quilt. Not surprisingly, Caleb informs me that he he wants it "green as Hulk" and wants only Superheroes on his quilt and no family. We are once again reminded where we stand in a three year old's world ... right under Superman.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Azalea Park

Okay so it is that time again...picture time! I always get the kids pictures made in the summer and then again at Christmas, but the last few times I have had them made, I have been unhappy with the pictures. There is either too much above their head or their heads are cut off. I will not say where I get there pictures made, but it is a "innovative" place in Mount Pleasant...I'm sure you catch my drift. So, anyway, I decided to try a more traditional and much cheaper method and take them myself. We took off, in the on and off drizzle, to Azalea Park in Summerville hoping for smiles, great lighting and no rain. Well, I must say I think I should hang a shingle and take appointments because they are so darn cute!!! Well, maybe I am a little biased. Here are some of my favorites. Love you guys!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Fourth!

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!! We had a great time celebrating with both of our families at the beach and at our house! We played all day with the Vatters and Victoria and Anabelle who were visiting from Italy. We had a great day on the beach and great food courtesy of my Mom.

Later we went back home and had Tom's family over to do fireworks. His grandmother is home this year too! We had dessert and the "TNT" crew set off tons of great fireworks for us to watch. ...and no one got hurt despite Stevie trying to see how far the Roman candles could ricochet off of the Stop Sign! Anyway, Happy Fourth of July everyone! God Bless the USA!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Folly Fun!

We went to the beach for a mini vacation last week. It was so much fun. The first night was not as wonderful as we planned but still fun. The power went out while Allyson and I WITH FIVE KIDS tried to make the best of it. Talk about a Hot night!! We were all out on the porch and all of the kids who were previously asleep woke up because it was so hot. The power was out from 8:30 to almost 2:00 AM. We sat on the porch drinking juice boxes. The next morning Allyson called me out to look at the porch. Remember all those late party night with beer cans and mess all over the house the next day?? Well, there must have been 25 juice boxes scattered out there. We just laughed at how our partying has changed!! The kids had a great time and no more power problems the rest of the week. Folly has got to be my favorite place in the world...It feels just like home.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Boat Trip

Write it down...we had a relatively uneventful boat outing with my Mom and Dad! The boat ran well, we actually got to drive it out without injuring ourselves or others and we had a minor glitch pulling it onto the trailer but thanks to the other boaters patiently waiting for us to get out of the way, they were able to coach us in! The kids had fun and Big Daddy and Gigi added one more rung to their boating ladder of success!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I love you, Cuz!

Most of you prabably know that Sophia and Caleb are the only grands on my side of the family, but Tom's parents have quite the brood growing of grands! When Sophia was 5 they went from grandparents of 1 to grandparents of 5!! All within 3 months! Tom's two sisters and I were pregnant together and Renee had twins so they really multiplied the kids in the fam! Allyson, his youngest sister also has a one year old (Landon) so now we are six! This was a cute shot of the recent family get together. Renee and Bill came from NC to help set up the play set in Grammy and Grandaddy's backyard and enjoy the new pond that Grandaddy has been creating! It was a lot of fun and the cousins enjoyed spending time together! Sophia is always so worn out after looking after all of them, but she loves being the "Mother Hen"! Getting a good picture with all of them is almost impossible...if only Landon had been in this one it would have been just time!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Field Day!!!!

Ah, Field day! The marking of the end of the year. The day after which no student will focus on any subject unless it includes candy or popsicles. The beginning of the survival of the fittest for teachers who must endure the approximatly 8 or 9 days of chaos left in the school year, while trying to maintain their sanity. The heat, the competition, the fun! Here are some of Sophia's first field day memories!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Broadway, here she comes....

Sophia and her sister and cousins performed in the school talent show last week! She was adorable of course. Here is the first evidence of what will surely be a successful career in showbiz....

Caleb watched his sister with pride and admiration and then retreated to a place that all of the adults only wished that they could go.

It was probably 98 degrees in the auditorium and Sophia's act was the third of an hour and 15 minute long show! Needless to say ... it was wonderful, and I can't wait until the next school performance. What else can the mother say right?